Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 Effective Ways to prevent premature gray-hair

The way to prevent hair is gray


If the age of the hair can be white or gray, it's normal. But gray hair at an early age is not normal. But now the trend has seen many young hair is gray.
Some of the reasons behind the hair before the age of maturity. These adulterated foods, pollution, irregular lifestyles and the harmful chemicals used in cosmetics. Find out some of the Ayurvedic way to prevent premature gray hair.

1) The denominator powder 1 teaspoon,two teaspoon and a half cup of the coconut paste of henna leaves and mix together. The combination of enhanced well to cold. After two hours of full hair and wash with shampoo.

2) 10 grams of henna leaves, 10 g kesuta leaves, hari takira barks, two emblica, 7-8 jabu middle part of the fruit juice and bits of good hair tonic to create enhanced strain. This tonic regularly take full hair. 40 minutes and wash it with good shampoo. You can easily prevent premature gray hair.

3) Emblica juice, almond oil and lemon juice mixed together for at least 3 days to a week. Reduced hair is gray.

4) A two henna hair begins to white, egg yolk and cheese mixed together and apply to hair pack. Use this pack one week. This pack helps prevent hair is gray.

5) 1 cup coconut oil, 1 tablespoon fenugreek powder, mixed together at the table of myrobalan powder and simmer firewood. The brown color of the oil if it contains move. After cooling strain. This oil gorasaha full hair and massage the hair for two days a week. Two hours later, wash with shampoo. The hair is gray, the problem will go away quickly.

The band is adjusted according to the type of hair using shampoo and conditioner. Hair cream, gel, spray, serum, color, etc should be careful to use. All are made with harmful chemicals, which is not good at all for hair. Regular fruits, colorful vegetables, nutritious food to eat and drink plenty. Prevent white hair, take it, to the beautiful and gorgeous hair.


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