Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Foods that will increase the brightness of your skin


We are using a lot of people to increase the brightness of the skin. What kind of cream, phesapyaka, facial, etc. We use a lot. However, do not use it as it is, but maybe for a short time the brightness of the skin to become irritated and then when it comes back off the pepper will be the same again in the skin.
So to keep the body and the skin is beautiful and good, of course we will have to change his lifestyle and eating party. The use of various chemicals on the skin rather than the rules of a healthy diet plays in both the body and the skin will be good. Please note that it is about the food, which helps to increase the brightness of the skin.

Carrot:-There's plenty of vitamin C and carotene gajarah Carrot and carrot vegetables vegetables whose health benefits are many more and it is very good for our skin and hair. Place carrots or carrot juice diet to increase the brightness of the skin.

Papaya:-Who does not love to eat delicious fruit papaya papaya great fun. Papaya in vitamin C, A, E, and antioxidant which helps to keep our skin and protects skin Brana and blemisesa. Papaya you can eat, or you can put the paste on the skin.
Tomato:-red color of fresh vegetables at this jusi laikophena there. Tomatoes are very good for the skin, and
also helps to prevent cancer Tomatoes and reduce body weight.

Green leaf vegetables:-There are plenty of green vegetables for vitamins, which are not only the skin is much better for the whole body. Place the vegetables in the daily diet.

Strawberries:-Strawberry flavored vitamin C to protect the skin and increases the brightness.

Green tea:-Green tea is an herbal drink which is much better for the skin. It burns the skin stain, keeps the skin soft, increased brightness of the skin, skin deep black stain and blemisesa away.

Brakali:-Brakalira antioxidant and vitamin A and C is the natural way to increase the brightness of the skin.

Fish :-Important factors in a variety of fish and omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins are very good for the skin. So bright to the skin should eat more fish.

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