Sunday, January 18, 2015

Keep in good-health after eating that do not work 6

Keep in good health after eating that do not work 6

We almost always are worried about health. Which would be better at, which would damage the health of at the end of our knowledge there is no interest. But a lot of ignorance and misconception of many reasons we were to commit themselves to a big loss of health.
After every meal, especially some of the work we are doing damage to the health of our time. Find out more about the work so that you should never do after eating.


Many people are smoking after meals. Before eating or smoking or later, there will be damage. That cigarettes cause cancer, which is a component of the woods slowly worketh death. So after meals or at any time or in any other way, should never be smoked.

Tea / coffee:

Noon or night, after drinking a cup of tea if you do not leave a lot of people. Unknowingly, they have this habit of doing harm to your body. Tea is a good source of anti-oxidant and the measured quantities of tea per day can reduce the risk of playing the heart health. But every day is harmful for the body to stop drinking tea after eating bellyful. Have tea poly phenols in green vegetables, which prevents iron to the body. As a result, there is a lack of iron in the body, they can not be taken after meals, tea, iron and iron deficiency plays in the body are not met. This leads to anemia. So at least one hour after a meal to eat.

Just eat fruits after meals:

Eating fruit is beneficial for health. As a result of all of the vitamins that are needed by the body. But after eating the fruit should not be eaten at all. Because bananas, jack fruit and dates to digest nearly every fruit takes approximately 20 minutes. But eating the fruit of the successive plays late in the process of digestion in the stomach and other dishes crowded fruit. We lose a lot of time at the quality of the fruit. As a result, abdominal pain, abdominal gas, bad digestion, the problem occurs.

After eating, bathing:

From an early age we listened to before eating a meal out without bathing. But you never know the exact reason behind this talk? There is power in the process of digestion in the body. The whole process is needed for the blood circulation in the stomach plenty. As a result of the increase in body temperature after eating. But when the body temperature of the bath to keep the balance of the whole process variations and disturbances in the process of digestion occurs. Than usual, resulting in a minimum of 20/30 minutes, more time is needed to digest food.

Walking with meals:

Many people walking by be be immediately began eating. Eating right after walking out harmful for the body. The digestion process is disrupted. Meant for walking inside the house really did not loudly after eating normally do not have any problems. However, 30 minutes after eating a bit of time walking is good for health, according to researchers at the University of South Carolina.

Suppose to fall asleep:

After eating the most damaging thing for your body is to fall asleep. Fell asleep after eating disturbance in the process of digestion. The sleep problems, weight gain, and many different health risks, including snoring occurs.

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