Tuesday, January 6, 2015

If irregular periods


Irregular periods may be part of the lives of women Two-three. Mensatrayesana menarki or at the onset. Ovary at the time, became so addicted that he had not seen the full performance.
3-4 months after delivery of the notice period will be a little irregular. However, the child may be more prolonged breast feeding episodes in kidney. It is well known that in the middle or end of the ovary callise are ready to pack up. The period before menopause is irregular.

How do you know whether iregulara or irregular periods? Mentioned above, the time interval is more than 5 days a week between the two periods was only understand the problem. However, there are many events in life that can destroy the balance of sex hormones. That period is interrupted.

Reproductive system is susceptible to stress. Is that during the examination, I have noticed? Period, little noise. The relative dies or very sick. Houses change or change jobs, you can see the pattern is changed. Go back to normal healthy life, but it all goes well.

Body weight:
Increasing or reducing the normal cycle is hampered by excess weight. Before which body weight was back there, but it takes a little time period to be normal again.

Suddenly became a Vegetarian or crash diet program began. You called down the problem. The period can be turned off, or the excess may be irregular.

Not really, began to exercise a great deal. Period of the regular cycle, it can be shortened œ p. Reducing the body fat of a sudden hormone ovarian function is changed as a result of discrimination.

Chronic Disease:
There are some long bhogaya disease. Such as diabetes, thyroid, asthma, TB or tuberculosis, cancer. Period can be closed, but declines across.

There are many drugs that disrupt the normal periods. Such anti-dipresanta. Liver in response to altered hormone levels. But what is the kantrasepatibhe prajestorena period may be irregular. Period is too much.

Must remember that the hormonal balance, but obhyulesana disorders can occur.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:
Obhyulesanera not matured at all necessary for the egg. In fact the woman's egg or ovum is produced in a specific pattern. Polycystic why? An ultrasound can be viewed simply surround the numerous phalikala obharike or cysts. Just like the Pearl Mahala. The growth period is interrupted for the occasional egg. Just do not have time, will it not known. They obharaoyeta. Have acne, oily skin, hair of the head decrease. The body is quite hairy. Obharite hormonal balance is lost, increases levels of the male hormone ayandrojanera. So the outage.

After Childbirth prolyakatina made pituitari glands. The purpose of increasing milk sikrisana. If that does not put a woman breast feeds prolyakatina increases, then a period to be interrupted. Chest dudhao is abnormally. The woman is not impossible pituitarite small benign tumors. The headaches, the eye can be seen problems.

Pre-matured menopause:
45 to 50, the average age of menopause. It's much faster than 1% of cases occur in women. They are sick, there is no reason to think. They are actually born with Egg obharite few. The chromosomes discrimination, infections, cysts / tumors, surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy of ovarian failure is accelerated.

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