Monday, January 5, 2015

Want-to-get-the-look-brighter? If-you-spend-every-night-just-20-minutes

Want-to-get-the-look-brighter? If-you-spend-every-night-just-20-minutes
Everyone's face looks pale and fade in the morning on a cold day. More than any other season! Dirty face, pale and wondered how this beautiful, vivid and bright?
But the work is not hard at all, just 0 minutes spent every night in this cold day, every morning, you can see pretty remarkable. Are you a woman or a man, these tips will work great for you!

1) Use a special phesapyaka every night. Raw milk, fuller's earth, sandal powder and mixed with honey to create this phesapyaka, which can adapt to all kinds of skin. Paints his face, wait until dry.

2) Then  mild face wash with warm water and phesaoyasa.

3) Take off the face better. And a good night cream, face massage. Night Cream, if you do not want to hear, but the same amount of glycerin and rose water and mix together. And applying it to the face and hands and feet.

4) Take the hair at the good scratch. The hair on the scalp blood circulation amcarale regular habit of becoming the hair healthy and beautiful.

5) and the end of all work very hard. Take a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey mixed drink 21. Warm water very quickly suppresses the body, drink a glass of water before you sleep at night, your body will not let the water gap in the morning, will have to look lively. The honey mixed with water will increase your metabolism, gets to the seasonal flux-kasikeo will not burst.

Stay beautiful day in the morning in this small way.

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