Monday, January 5, 2015


The face is the most beautiful part of our body. And so if you have black spots on the face, it is not our desire at all.
This black blemishes, which in many cases can cause discomfort, beauty is a major cause of damage. There are, however, if you follow some simple ways that will benefit you. 3 simple ways to find out.

1. Pea spoon, 1 pinch turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder and 1 teaspoon orange peel paste mixed together to create a paste. Now it's the face, neck, leaving it set to 20 for 15 minutes and wash the face.

2. It is a small-sized apple cut in the face, neck, neck and put into cold water and wash after 10 minutes. Use 3 times a week, thus.

3. Apple and orange peels with the Bethe with raw milk, egg white, and orange juice and mix. 25 to 30 minutes to sew the skin
combining wash .


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