Monday, January 5, 2015


Most individual armpits are dark blemishes, which looks pretty ugly. I have not seen too much of the black spots in the armpit to himself seemed uncomfortable.
Reducing overall saundaryakei his body. Taking proper care of other parts of the body in this ansatirao ugly spots this problem will be free.

Armpits ways to reduce black spots:

1. Put the black spots is the main cause of hair remover cream. If you do instead of natural materials such as sugar, lemon, etc. These spots can be removed if the waxing and skin will be quite bright.

2. Another natural way to highlight below the armpit skin, rub lemon juice. Lemon juice, black stain will brighten skin.

3. At home, you can use a mask made to reduce this problem. Of lemon juice, turmeric powder, flour, powder, etc., mixed use 15-0 minutes.

4. Potatoes and cucumbers, this problem comes in handy. 15 minutes using the black spots on the skin of the potato or cucumber armpits is eliminated.

5. Japharanera powder effective role in this problem. Think of japharanera tebilacamaca with powder mixed with milk before going to bed at night, use the armpit skin and wash in the morning. It is naturally black stain.

6. Because it is necessary to refrain from using deodorant skin fungus through the creation of a variety of skin black as well. Instead of a material such as natural baking soda, you can use an anti-fungal powder and phitakiri.

7. Use sandal powder or rose water. It keeps you away from the skin retain moisture, leaving skin feeling dusk.

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