Tuesday, January 13, 2015

8 Strategies to reduce fat in the abdomen

Fat Loss Strategies

fat loss strategies

See a little extra weight, abdominal fat is not bad, but the view is a bit more severe. But this is due to the abdominal fat of our irregularities and poor diet. Little - uthatelagala of fat can be reduced through diet and exercise.
But the problem is more fat Lei autism. Never wants to go back. Continues to increase, but the abdominal fat. But this does not sit with me the fat accumulation. We need to find ways to reduce fat. So today was for you to lose belly fat fast and easily 8's "foolproof" strategy.

fat loss

Start the days with warm water and lemon:

A glass of lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. Up in the morning with a glass of warm water and a slice of lemon chips to taste 1 pinch of salt mixed into. Get the day and the lemon in hot water. Both citric acid in lemon and hot water will help get rid of abdominal fat.

Stop eating rice:

Totally eat rice as abdominal fat is deposited. Eat red wheat bread instead of rice. Reduce fat. If it is merely a cup of rice to eat, do not eat more rice.

Avoid sugary foods:

The food intake of sugar that are close. Exports of sugar and fat in the food in the stomach. Please use honey instead of sugar.

Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water:

If you want to reduce belly fat fast, but of course you have to practice every day to drink 6-8 glasses of water. Water improves digestion and removes toxins in the body helps to decrease abdominal fat.

Eat raw garlic regularly:

Many reasons have been away from the smell of raw garlic. But if you want to quickly reduce abdominal fat regularly eat raw garlic. Raw garlic increases blood circulation in the body and helps fat-loss. Kwa garlic press or 3 day food habits.

Vegetables Meals Practice:

Some people are more interested in fish and meat. Was reluctant to eat vegetables and words. But there are plenty of fish, meat, fats and proteins, as well as body fat, which saves. Modified vegetable protein and fiber in vegetables. Accumulation of abdominal fat, so do not want to eat vegetables. Reduce the amount of fish meat.

Seasonal Fruit Eat:

Morning, noon, afternoon and dinner list Place 1 cup of fruit. The carbohydrate and fat you will eat less. This enables you to quickly reduce fat. Some people like to eat fruit than fruit juice. But the fruit juice enhances fat. Fruit juice does not contain any of the fiber and the slightly sweet flavor is added. So therefore Eat fruit instead.

Add some spice to foods:

Cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, add the spices to eat. Helps to reduce the sugar level in the body of these spices. Cooking cinnamon, ginger and black pepper adds a higher level of taste as well as increase the cooking can take to reduce abdominal fat.


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